Unfinished Revolution:
New Perspectives on the American Revolution in New Jersey
The New Jersey Historical Commission’s
New Jersey History Conference 2023
The New Jersey Historical Commission (NJHC), a division of the NJ Department of State, will host the 2023 New Jersey History Conference, Unfinished Revolution: New Perspectives on the American Revolution in New Jersey
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 7:30am to 5:00pm
Location: 1 Memorial Drive, Trenton, NJ
Conference Agenda
Friday, November 17, 2023
7:30 - 8:45 AM | Breakfast and Registration
8:45 - 8:55 AM | Welcome
9:00 - 10:15 AM | Concurrent Panel Sessions
“All the horrors of a Civil War” Loyalist Interpretations in New Jersey
Moderator: Dr. Donald Sherblom, Vought House
Overview of Loyalist History in New Jersey by Dr. Maxine Lurie, Seton Hall University
Native American Participation in the Revolution by Claire Garland, Sandhill Indian Historical Association
Choosing Sides: Interpreting the Loyalist Experience in Revolutionary Morris County, Eric Olsen, Morristown National History Park
Colonel Tye’s Fight for Freedom by Thomas Hoffman and Jennifer Cox, Gateway National Recreation Area - Sandy Hook, NJ
Reframing Revolutionary Women
Moderator: Dr. Janet Moore Lindman, Rowan Univeristy
“The Proper Education of Your Daughters:” Women’s Education in New Jersey by Dr. Lucia McMahon, William Paterson University
Presentation from Adam McNeil, Rutgers University - New Brunswick
New Jersey Women in the Midst of the Continental Army by Dr. Steven Elliott, Rutgers University - Newark
Break (15 minutes)
10:30 - 11:30 AM | Keynote Presentation
Dr. Ned Blackhawk (Western Shoshone), Howard R. Lamar Professor of History and American Studies at Yale University will present research from his latest publication, The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History, for which he has been named a 2023 National Book Award Finalist.
11:30 AM - 3:00 PM | Old Barracks Museum Open House
The Old Barracks Museum will open its doors for conference attendees from 11:30am to 3:00pm on November 17th. Attendees are invited to visit the museum and explore at their leisure.
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Lunch on Patriot’s Theatre Stage
Poster winner announced at 12:30pm
Lunch will be catered by 1911 Smokehouse BBQ
12:45 - 1:45 PM | Concurrent Sessions
The Revolution in New Jersey: Updating the Chronology for the 250th
In this collaborative work session, facilitated by Dr. Marc Lorenc (Chief Public Historian of the New Jersey Historical Commission), participants will revisit and update the 1975 New Jersey in the American Revolution, 1763-1783: A Chronology by Dennis P. Ryan. Using a crowdsourcing/ brainstorming format, participants will update the 1763- 1783 timeline to reflect new information uncovered since the publishing of the original book. The end product will be a digital chronology that can be used by communities across the state to help with identifying upcoming 250th commemorative events. This work session will be of particular interest to researchers working on the American Revolution in New Jersey. Pre-registration is required.
Expanding the Narrative
Moderator: Noelle Lorraine Williams, New Jersey Historical Commission
Join Passaic County’s Department of Cultural & Historic Affairs as they discuss their “Expanding the Narrative” initiative. This series launched in 2018 aims to examine the roles, impact, and influence of underrepresented individuals during the Revolutionary War.
Revolution Recaptured: Saving and Sharing our History
Moderator: Ashley Abruzzo, Crossroads of the American Revolution
Protecting Revolutionary War Lands - Upper Freehold British Encampment by Sue Kozel, Public Historian
Connecting Community to Trail through Research by Julia M Diddell, Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association
Break (15 Minutes)
2:00 - 3:15 PM | Concurrent Panel Sessions
Buried Revolution: Land and Sea
Moderator: Dr. Richard Veit, Monmouth University
“Naked and torn by the Grapeshot:” Fort Mercer and the history, archaeology, and public perceptions of a mass burial space at Red Bank Battlefield Park by Wade Catts and Dr. Jen Janofsky
The Archaeology of Revolutionary War Shipwrecks in New Jersey, by Stephen Nagiewicz and Jaclyn Fischer
Unearthing the “Log House City” Archaeology at the Pennsylvania Line’s 1780-1781 Camp, Morristown, New Jersey by Dr. Richard Veit, Adam Heinrich, Sean McHugh, and Steve Santucci
On the Edge of Battle: Archaeology of Peripheral Terrain at the Battle of Monmouth by Michael J. Gall
Which Flag does Freedom Fly? African American Experiences of the American Revolution
Moderator: Dr. Hettie Williams, Monmouth University
“The Quest for Absolute Freedom” by Beverly Mills and Elaine Buck, Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum
At War, At Sea: The Legacy of James Forten as a Revolutionary War Veteran by Matthew Skic, Museum of the American Revolution
Liberty By Any Means by Dolly Marshall, Historian and Preservationist
The Revolutionary World of a New Jersey Free Black Family, William L. (Larry) Kidder, Historian and Author
Break (15 Minutes)
3:30 - 5:00 PM | Concurrent Workshops
Towards a More Complete History: Researching and Interpreting People of Color at the Old Barracks Museum: As we approach the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution, the Old Barracks Museum (OBM) is expanding our interpretation to include the stories of historically underrepresented people, including soldiers of color (of African and Indigenous descent) serving in the Continental Army and those of African descent who helped build and maintain the Trenton barracks. OBM Curator Sarah Kirk will share our “Soldiers of Color” research project to identify soldiers of color who fought at both battles of Trenton in 1776 and 1777. OBM living history interpreters Kaila Ettiene-Best and Steven Thomas will share their experiences interpreting the stories of people of color.
State Archives: Archivists at the New Jersey State Archives will share under-researched documents pertaining to the American Revolution. Attendees will have the chance to review primary sources and brainstorm ideas for future research.
Thank you to our conference sponsors!
NJ Historical Commission Thanks Our
Programs and Publications Committee
Standing Members
Maxine Lurie
Department of History
Seton Hall University
Larry Greene
Department of History
Seton Hall University
Richard Veit, Committee Chair
Department of History and Anthropology
Monmouth University
Andy Urban
Department of American Studies
Rutgers University-Newark
Hettie Williams
Department of History and Anthropology
Monmouth University
Melissa Ziobro
Department of History and Anthropology
Monmouth University
Margaret Marsh
Department of History
Rutgers University-Camden
Veronica Calder
New Jersey State Archives
Special Thanks to
Unfinished Revolution Special Committee Members
Jonathan Mercantini
Department of History
Kean University
Kristin O’Brassill-Kulfan
Department of History
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
James Amemasor
Department of History
Rutgers University-Newark
Carin Berkowtiz
NJ Council for the Humanities
Lucia McMahon
Department of History
William Paterson University
Nicole Belolan
Public History Consultant
Gigi Nagalack
NJ Council for Humanities
Carrie Fellows
Crossroads of the American Revolution
Lisa Lynn Brooks
Visiting Assistant Professor
Montclair State University